The League of Women Voters of Emporia relies upon donations from people like you to support our programs and activities including voter education, educational programs, and advocacy efforts. Each gift extends the reach of our volunteers’ efforts to empower citizens, inform voters, and make democracy work.
General fund donations help Emporia LWV greatly because these can be used without restrictions for programs, advocacy, and operating expenses. General Fund contributions are not tax deductible.
Endowment fund donations are invested, and the interest is used to augment the general budget. Endowment Fund contributions are not tax deductible.
Education fund donations are tax-deductible and are restricted for use on voter information and citizen education activities only. Please contact Emporia LWV if you’re interested in donating to the education fund.
To donate by mail:
Make checks payable to “League of Women Voters” to support Emporia LWV action priorities and advocacy or to “League of Women Voters Education Fund” and send to the following address:
Emporia LWV
1820 Canterbury
Emporia, KS 66801