Watch for League events surrounding the following election calendar
2024 Election Calendar
Mon, June 3: Filing Deadline for Primary Election
July 16: Last day to register to vote in Primary Election
July 17: Advance voting begins for Primary Election
July 17-20: Voting at Anderson Building
July 22: Early voting starts at County Clerk’s Office
July 30: Last date for advance ballot to be mailed for Primary Election
Aug. 5: Advance voting closes (noon)
Aug. 6: Primary Election
Aug. 9: Audit of Primary Election
Sept. 3: Deadline for question to be placed on General Election Ballot
Sept. 21: Deadline to mail Federal Service Ballots
Oct. 15: Last day to register to vote
Oct. 16: Advance voting by mail begins (20 days prior to election day
Oct. 16-19: Voting at Anderson Building
Oct. 21: Early voting begins at County Clerk’s Office
Oct. 29: Last day to request an advance ballot to be mailed for General Election
Nov. 4: Advance voting closes (noon)
Nov. 5: General Election
Nov. 8: Audit of General Election
July 16: Last day to register to vote in Primary Election
July 17: Advance voting begins for Primary Election
July 17-20: Voting at Anderson Building
July 22: Early voting starts at County Clerk’s Office
July 30: Last date for advance ballot to be mailed for Primary Election
Aug. 5: Advance voting closes (noon)
Aug. 6: Primary Election
Aug. 9: Audit of Primary Election
Sept. 3: Deadline for question to be placed on General Election Ballot
Sept. 21: Deadline to mail Federal Service Ballots
Oct. 15: Last day to register to vote
Oct. 16: Advance voting by mail begins (20 days prior to election day
Oct. 16-19: Voting at Anderson Building
Oct. 21: Early voting begins at County Clerk’s Office
Oct. 29: Last day to request an advance ballot to be mailed for General Election
Nov. 4: Advance voting closes (noon)
Nov. 5: General Election
Nov. 8: Audit of General Election