LWVK NON-PARTISAN POLICY (Revised 2015): In accordance with the League Bylaws, the LWVK shall not support or oppose any political party or any candidate.  The Board recognizes the necessity of imposing some limitations on Board members’ political activity in order to protect the nonpartisan reputation of the League.

  1. Elected Office.
    The president shall not run for, nor hold, any public elective office.
    Other Board members shall not run for, nor hold state elective office but may run for nonpartisan local public office after consultation with the LWVK Board, and with the Presidents of affected local Leagues.
  2. Political Party Office.
    The president, voter service chair and advocacy chair shall not serve in any position in a political party.
    Other Board members shall not serve in political party positions at the state level, and shall abide by their local Leagues’ political activity policies regarding holding local party positions.
  3. Campaign Contributions.
    The president, voter service chair, and advocacy chair may not attend fundraising events or make campaign contributions for state candidates. any partisan race.
    Other Board members may attend fundraising events and make campaign contributions for candidates at any level.
  4.  Social and Other Media.
    A Board member shall not indicate her/his political affiliations or candidate preferences at any level of government in the media, including on social networking sites or other public venues that also prominently identify her/him as a member of the LWVK Board.

Additional Clarification. Board members shall present questions about specific situations to the LWVK Board where the foregoing policies do not resolve the question. “When in doubt, check it out!”


Discussion about other situations:

  • Off-board positions, spouses, and office staff/interns are not restricted by these policies.
  • Board members may participate fully in issue campaigns, referendums, and petitions.
  • Situations that may require board approval:  state appointments; visible support of a candidate (yard signs, phone calls, etc. where you are not anonymous); leadership in an organization that endorses candidatees.

General conclusions from our discussion:  

  • Come to the board before it becomes a problem.
  • All individual advocacy is personal. You do not speak for the League unless authorized.
  • League’s non-partisan policy protects our reputation and our tax status.